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Dad Points Awarded: Fun Ways to Bond With Your Kids

Every dad yearns for the seal of approval from their kids. We all want our children to think of us as a cool dad, a dad that cares and a super fun dad that always brings the laughs. Bonding with your kids is a unique, life-changing experience. Whether you’re a new dad, or you’re in the process of trying to build a stronger bond with older kids, here are some fun ways to get closer to your children.

Get into Sports

Not all dads are into sports, but many men say that one of the things they are most looking forward to about being a parent is teaching their child to play sports or going to games with them. If you’re a fan, it’s natural to want to use sports as a means of bonding with your kids. There are some great ways to encourage children to get active and spend quality time together. From tuning into soccer games and watching Formula 1 to unleashing the inner coach in you and teaching your kids to hit a ball or score a goal in the backyard, using physical activities and hobbies is a brilliant way to earn dad points. Research online to find out where to watch F1 in UK locations, check out local clubs and teams your kids can join and start creating traditions. Go to a game once a month, or invite friends with children or family members over for a barbecue to watch a match, race or tournament, for example.

Let your creative side shine

Most kids love creative activities. They offer fun ways to learn, they’re brilliant for teaching children to express themselves and they also encourage youngsters to let their imaginations run free. As a parent, it’s a fantastic idea to let your creative side shine and get involved in activities and creative hobbies. Turn your kitchen into a workshop or an art studio for the afternoon, build models together using junk, or write stories and turn them into Hollywood-worthy productions in the living room. Being creative is a way of letting loose and having fun, but it can also be great for mental health and well-being.

Elevate Movie and Games Nights

We all know that dads love to organize movie and games nights, but how can you ensure that you enhance your reputation as ‘Super Dad?’ There are nights in with your kids and then are epic movie and games nights that will blow their minds and seal your title as the best dad ever. Elevate the traditional experience and go the extra mile to make memories.

Hosting movie nights at home will not only save you time and money compared with going to the cinema but it also gives you freedom to go a little crazy. Rather than sitting on the sofa, pressing ‘play’ and then grazing on popcorn and hot dogs, think outside of the box. Choose a movie, create a theme, set a dress code, send out invitations and encourage people to dress up for the occasion. Serve themed snacks and drinks and switch up the viewing experience. Kit your lounge out like a log cabin or Santa’s grotto in the depths of winter and set up an outdoor screen with bean bags and oversized floor cushions in the summer.

Explore the Great Outdoors

Everyone loves an adventure, right? Studies show that kids are spending more and more time indoors and activity levels are dropping. Globally, 80% of kids are not doing enough exercise. Exploring the great outdoors is a wonderful way to introduce children to new places and broaden their horizons, but it’s also beneficial for their health. Being active is essential for optimum mental and physical health. Adopting good habits at an early age reduces the risk of inactivity in later life. There’s a lot to be said for getting out into the fresh air as much as possible. Kids will love going on an adventure, exploring different places and feeling like they’re starring in their own action movie and dads will love watching their trainee explorers blossom and thrive. Activities to try include walking and hiking, cycling, climbing, kayaking, swimming, surfing and rafting.

Every dad wants to impress their kids and earn dad points. We all strive to be a hero to our children. There are lots of ways to try to secure the title of the world’s best dad, including making bonding activities fun and spending quality time together. Make the most of your time with your kids, celebrate shared interests and go the extra mile to create unforgettable experiences and magical memories.



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