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Things To Do When You're Bored

You know the feeling. You’ve finished work for the weekend and you are super excited to get home, take off the bra, out your hair up and truly look like the couch potato you are about to be for 2 days.

But sometimes sitting on the sofa and binge watching TV all weekend just isn’t enough to stimulate your mind and feed your soul. That’s right, you’re bored aren’t you?

Otherwise, why else would you be here reading this post?

Being bored is almost as bad as having a cold. You have no inspiration to do anything or talk to anyone, and no energy to do it either. But don’t worry, if you are in a bit of a dull haze this weekend we’ve got some ideas of things you can do...

Go on a walk

You might be thinking that the weekend is for relaxing, but a walk can actually be incredibly relaxing if you do it in the right place. Instead of simply leaving the house and turning left or right, actually plan to go somewhere in your area. Look for local family days out in your local area and make a point to go out and spend time in the fresh air. It will take up time and it will be good for your body too.

Get out the weights

Most of us have got a set of dumbbells collecting dust in the spare room from that time you were convinced you’d become a bodybuilder… but now is the time to get them out and do some lifting. Even if you don’t have weights, you can easily grab a couple of tin or bottles from the kitchen and use them instead.

Organise something

Tackling your wardrobe might be the last thing you want to do at the weekend, but it needs to get done at some point, so why not now? Get a couple of bin bags at the ready, some great tunes to listen to and get stuck into the job. Be ruthless, don’t hoard things you think you might wear one a few years...if the moon is blue. If you don’t wear it, bin it.

Do your laundry

Literally the most boring adult job ever, but it has to be done so you might as well do it!

Go to the gym

Stop wasting your membership and get down to the gym this weekend. You don’t need to spend hours and hours in there, even 30 minutes of an intense workout is plenty to keep your body healthy and fit.

Make something

Rather than just scrolling through Pinterest, saving things and never doing them- get your creating head on and try to make something. It could be a piece of art, upcycling a jar for your kitchen or even making a cushion. Use your creativity and have some fun with it, even if it looks nothing like the photo when you are finished!

Bake, Baby

Everyone loves some sweet treats, so if you have the ingredients in the pantry, get baking! You will get to lick the spoon, so it’s a win win situation!


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