Tired of snoring? Whether that’s your partner snoring and keeping you up through the night or you snoring and getting it in the neck in the morning when your partner’s had a disturbed night’s sleep, chances are, you want to find out how to stop the incessant night time rattle. Sure, none of us choose to snore. But it is a phenomenon that we’re growing to understand a bit better and that we’re getting a bit better at managing. Who knows? Maybe you could make a few lifestyle changes that help you and anyone else in your vicinity get a good night’s sleep! Here’s some further information that could help with this.
Who Snores?
Now, you might be able to answer the question of who snores in your household, but who’s more likely to snore in general? Anyone can snore, including children, but the majority of people find that they begin to snore as they get older. Men also tend to snore more than women. It’s estimated that 57% of men snore, while a lower 40% of women snore.
What Causes Snoring?
There are a number of causes of snoring, but the key part of the process that causes the noise is the rattling and vibration of tissues near the airway in the back of your throat. When you sleep, these muscles loosen, which narrows your airway, causing the tissue in your throat to flutter and make noise when you breathe in and out.
Some people are more likely to snore, just because of the size and shape of the muscle and tissues in their neck. However, often, snoring is caused by other factors, including:
Alcohol consumption
Use of sedative medications
Chronic nasal congestion
Large tonsils, tongue, or soft palate
Deviated septum or nasal polyps
Jaw that is small or set-back
How to Prevent Snoring
If you or your partner snore, chances are, you’re desperate for some snoring solutions. There are plenty out there, but here are some to try out yourself.
Consider your weight - if you’re overweight, now may be a good time to lose a bit of timber. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of snoring. Talk to your doctor about how to lose weight safely and healthily.
Avoid alcohol - drinking before you go to sleep can make you sound like a foghorn in the night. Avoid drinking alcohol before bed where possible - even if it is just a glass of wine.
Try sleeping on your side - sleeping on your back can enhance snoring in many people. So, it may be time to adopt a different sleeping position. Try sleeping on your side instead. This could really help.
Consult your doctor - if you’re still having issues with your snoring, you should consult your doctor. They can conduct a variety of checks that can help to determine the cause of your snoring and to give you tailored advice that could help you in your individual situation.
Hopefully, some of the suggestions above will help you and your partner get a better night’s sleep. Give them a try!